Tuesday, September 07, 2004

New Job Brings New Lessons

I will be the first to admit that I was really pumped about my new job. I don't get rattled about new jobs and challenges any more, but I was unsure how this period of recovery would affect my new journey.

It's about skills and talent, not about food right?

Not quite.

I'm going to be brief. (Yeah, it's possible.) I'll just say I learned some lessons about my new life:

  • Rush-hour traffic, a quick breakfast in the car -- NO.

  • Working lunch in a great, but crowded Cuban restaurant -- NO.

  • Doggie bag bites at your desk since you're famished-- NO.

  • That's a container of container orange juice, not water -- NO.

  • Plan the meals and take your time; this is for life -- YES.

I've started and finished lots of jobs/projects before. I've never factored eating, meal planning or food period in my career moves. I guess I have a lot to learn.

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