Thursday, September 22, 2005

Notes During Hurricane Rita

I don't know what to say....kinda in a crazed daze.

Baby and I are planning to ride out another monster storm on the "outskirts of destruction." We left Calcasieu Parish yesterday which is close to Texas and Gulf of Mexico and came home which is farther east. Well, the storm as moved a little farther east in its projection.

Last I heard, my trucker husband was trying to leave South Texas/Louisiana border area and come home. No word in a while.My elderly parents are under mandatory evacuation as well as my brother and sister and their children. I'm trying to get everyone here in Baton Rouge because we are a little more inland and eastern. It might be a mess here too. I don't know.

I spoke to my angelette SueElla and she's heading north to Toledo Bend. They will go further north if they have to. They are more than welcomed here, it will just be tight. My other angelette Nikki is four miles farther north than I am and we are not under any special alerts in our parish.

I'm spoke to the son of Gemma, the Katrina Storm Survivor, and she's still in the Baton Rouge hospital and doing much better with IV meds and will be in the hospital through this next storm.

I will post updates until (or if) we lose power.My prayers are with my South Louisiana and Southeast Texas OH family.

Please be safe.

Onward (in His Grace)

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